Photo of seated Ben Franklin statute with Locust Walk in background

New Graduate Student Orientation Hub

Welcome New Graduate & Professional Students!

We're excited to welcome you to the Penn Community and show you all that Penn has to offer you as a graduate or professional student!  Please click on the boxes below for more information, resources, and upcoming events from campus partners and groups. 

This page is regularly updated between June-September each year.  Be sure to check out our full Resource Guide and Penn Grad Calendar for more information throughout your time at Penn!

Orientation Activities 

University-wide Graduate and Professional Orientation activities are intended to supplement required school-specific programs and introduce you to the broader community at Penn and in Philadelphia. Grad Center Orientation activities are optional and open to all incoming graduate & professional students - pick and choose what's most convenient for you! 

Be sure to consult with your academic department for program and school-specific orientation programs and requirements. Information about undergraduate new student orientation can be found at

New Student Events Calendar

A variety of on-campus academic, social, and cultural events to help you successfully transition to life at Penn and in Philadelphia.

International Student Orientation

Requirements and orientation activities for incoming & returning F-1 or J-1 international students

Online Sessions for Incoming Students

Online information sessions for incoming graduate & professional students.

Campus and City Tours

Explore Penn's campus and the city with others or at your own pace.

All Grad Center Events

See all upcoming Grad Center events.

Campus Centers and Activities
African American Resource Center (AARC)


The African American Resource Center serves to enhance the quality of life for students, staff, and faculty at Penn, with a particular focus on those of African descent. AARC contributes to making the University of Pennsylvania a leader in higher education by constructively and proactively helping to create a teaching-learning community of real and harmonious diversity. Services include workshops and informational sessions, and many advertised events throughout the year.


Annual AARC programs include: 

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Symposium
Each year, during the month of January, the University of Pennsylvania and our surrounding communities come together to commemorate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The commemoration reminds us of our interdependence and reaffirms our commitment to the betterment of our communities through civility and service.

Men of Color at Penn
Men of Color at Penn was established in March 2006. The purpose of the monthly meetings is to provide men support in relationship to our surviving and thriving at the University of Pennsylvania as staff, faculty, and students. Men of Color at Penn also discuss methods/strategies of dealing with racism, social-emotional indignities and best practices of addressing abuses of power within the university and community at large.

Women of Color at Penn
Women of Color at Penn (WOCAP), is a community of remarkable volunteers who come together to celebrate and promote causes that impact women. Whether by lecture series, current research, health and finance leadership, the Queen’s Tea, or daylong celebrations and conferences, the WOCAP group has supported womankind for over 36 years. This community has fostered a sense of belonging that all can appreciate.

Learn more by visiting the AARC website or following AARC on Facebook, X, or Instagram


Contact us:

Valerie Dorsey Allen (she/her), Director /

Darin Toliver (he/him), Associate Director /

Colleen Winn (she/her), Staff Assistant /

Family Resource Center

Family Center logo

Welcome, New Students and Families!
The Family Resource Center is Penn’s hub for information, resources, and activities for students and postdocs with children. Our staff are available to answer your questions about navigating Penn as a parent and the resources and benefits available to families.

We invite you to engage with the parenting community by attending our activities, and connecting with us online, and visiting the Family Center. For more information, please see our info sheet and visit our website: If you have questions, email


View and download the Family Center Handout

White text on purple background: Visit the Family Center website

Collage of photos of families and rooms in the Family Center


Graduate Student Center

Grad Center Square LogoThe Graduate Student Center is a central hub for programming, resources, support, and advocacy for all graduate & professional students at Penn. 

Located in the heart of campus, the Grad Center building provides space and opportunities to connect with other graduate & professional students from across the University. In addition to providing a central gathering and study space for students, the Grad Center holds hundreds of events each year designed to help students gain the skills, experiences, and community they need for a truly successful graduate experience.

We also provide a range of services and resources to empower graduate and professional students to participate fully in the graduate community at Penn. Whether students need help finding mentorship, building connections on campus, accessing accommodations, or something else, our team and expansive graduate resource guide make it easier for students to connect with the help they need.

Upcoming Events

Events for New Students   All Grad Center Events 

Be sure to check our New Student Events Calendar for upcoming sessions and to register!

About Us.jpg Academic Programs.jpg Grad Life.jpg Resources.jpg

ig.png twitter.png facebook.png

Sign up for our newsletter to stay connected with updates from the Grad Center!

Greenfield Intercultural Center


The Albert M. Greenfield Intercultural Center (GIC) would like to congratulate you on your acceptance to the University of Pennsylvania. We are extremely excited that you have chosen Penn! We are Penn's resource for enhancing students' intercultural knowledge, competency, and leadership. We are known fondly as the "GIC" and are located at 3708 Chestnut Street. The GIC is more of a "home away from" for many students.  We provide a safe space for informal intercultural dialogue and an opportunity to build critical connections and community with students, community partners and alumni from around the globe.

As a graduate student, you may consider attending our Fall Open House and year-round programs and events. Please consider checking our Community Pantry in the kitchen, reaching out to reserve space to study, or taking an experiential elective course in our lounge. We are also a site for Graduate Assistantships (GA) during the academic year.

Learn more by visiting the GIC website. Sign up for the GIC Newsletter (here) or follow us on Facebook (here) and Instagram (here) to receive up-to-date information. Congratulations again on choosing the University of Pennsylvania!


Upcoming Events 

GIC Events Tab
International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS)

Welcome to the World at Penn!

As a new member of the Penn family, you'll join a community of more than 9,000 international students, scholars, and employees from over 120 countries. ISSS is committed to making sure that you have the smoothest transition possible, from preparing for your trip to getting settled in Philadelphia. Even if you are embarking on your Penn journey from outside of the United States, we are here to help you hit the ground running. ISSS also offers programs and leadership opportunities throughout the year to enrich your Penn experience!

White text on blue and yellow background: Prepare for Penn

Prepare for Penn: See tips and important reminders for new international students at

Photo collage of student activities with superimposed text: Forerunner Global

Forerunner prepares newly accepted Penn international students and their parents for life as members of the Penn family. Forerunner 2024 includes six sessions: Forerunner in South America will be held in Sao Paulo, Brazil (June 6, 2024), Forerunner in Southeast Asia will be held in Singapore, Singapore (June 29, 2024), Forerunner in India in Mumbai, India (July 6, 2024), Forerunner in China in Shanghai, China (July 13, 2024), Forerunner Global virtually (August 1-2, 2024, 9-11AM Eastern Time each day), and Forerunner Africa at Perry World House on Penn's Campus (August 22, 2024). Learn more here!

Workshops & Events

ISSS hosts cultural, academic, career, and immigration-related workshops and activities in partnership with students and resources across Penn. Explore integration activities and events, as well as immigration-related workshops for international students across Penn! Learn more and sign up for events at

Student Programs & Leadership Opportunities

Join some of our banner programs such as the Intercultural Leadership Program, International Student Advisory Board, and Penngagement International Experience Series! Learn more at


ISSS Logo - blue text on white background


La Casa Latina

The Center for Hispanic Excellence: La Casa Latina is Penn's Latino cultural Center. La Casa Latina is a community space designed to serve the needs of all Latino/a students and the Penn communities at-large. La Casa focuses on building a unified community by working with the Latino Coalition, LaGAPSA, students, faculty, staff, and alumni.

Learn more about La Casa Latina by visiting the La Casa Latina website, Facebook and Instagram pages! 

Collage of photos with La Casa logo

LGBT Center
LGBT Center logo

The Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Center enriches the experience, fosters success, celebrates victories and affirms the existence of Penn's LGBTQ+ undergraduates, professional and graduate students, staff, faculty, and alumni using the lenses of social justice and intersectionality. Through education, support, and advocacy, the Center cultivates a campus climate where all students, regardless of their gender or sexual identity, can live authentically.

Upcoming Events 

Learn more about upcoming events with the LGBT Center. 

Staff Contact Information 

Eric Anglero (they/them)
Director, LGBT Center

Wesley Alvers (they/them)
Associate Director, LGBT Center 

Kristal Castro (she/her/ella)
Associate Director, LGBT Center

LGBT Center address, website, email, and social media links

facebook.png ig.png 

Makuu: The Black Cultural Center

Makuu institutional logo (Penn shield on left with text in blue on right: Makuu the Black Cultural Center, University of Pennsylvania"

Makuu, the Black Cultural Center, serves as a cultural hub for campus activities, activism, and personal, professional, and academic growth in order to increase resources and connections to the Penn community. Makuu seeks to enrich and support the principles of diversity and community in Penn student life, with an emphasis on students of African descent. Makuu utilizes the seven principles of Kwanzaa to provide support and guidance to individuals and student groups and aims to identify student evidenced challenges, enhance collaborative efforts among students, and become a repository of Penn resources that will increase students' academic, intellectual social, cultural and professional success.

Founded in 2000 to center the experience, concerns, and possibilities of students of the African Diaspora, Makuu: The Black Cultural Center is affectionately regarded as "home". Located in the ARCH building in the heart of campus, Makuu provides a comfortable and convenient space for students to gather. Makuu's staff work daily to provide academic, cultural, and social support to students and groups, connecting them to additional resources and opportunities.  Follow our social media accounts to get updates on our virtual programming!

Programs & Services Events  About Us

Learn more by visiting the Makuu website or following Makuu on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter

Contact us: 
Brian Peterson (he/him), Director |
​Michelle Gilliard Houston 
(she/her), Associate Director |

    Pan-Asian American Community House (PAACH)

    The Pan-Asian American Community House (PAACH) opened in the fall of 2000 in response to students' calls for a cultural resource center at the University of Pennsylvania where South Asian, East Asian, Southeast Asian, and Pacific Islander cultures could be celebrated. PAACH is a community center that develops and implements innovative programs for leadership development and community service in close collaboration with Asian American students and community groups. Learn more at

    Upcoming Events Image of students participating in Holi celebration in front of College Hall with text: "Pan-Asian American Community House Events Calendar"


    PAACH Open Houses 
    2025 dates and details coming soon! 


    Visit our Facebook page Visit our Instagram  Visit our Twitter

    Penn Women's Center


    Founded in 1973, Penn Women’s Center (PWC) is one of the nation’s oldest Women’s Centers and we work with students, staff, and faculty of all genders and identities. PWC’s mission is to promote gender justice, and to empower, support, and advance personal and professional development. We offer a welcoming space for studying, relaxing, hosting meetings and workshops, or teaming up for feminist engagement projects.

    Address: 3643 Locust Walk 

    Phone: 215.898.8611



    Social Media: @pennwomenscenter

    What We Offer

    Education and Support 

    We are affiliated with a number of centers and programs on campus, with the goal of centralizing women, gender, and sexuality-focused resources. PWC provides training, workshops, and advocacy work to help prevent interpersonal violence, sexual harassment, and gender-based discrimination. We also offer programs related to: Career Development, Stress Management, Parenting, Sexual Violence Prevention, and Health and Wellness. Additionally, PWC staff members provide walk-in confidential crisis and options counseling.  We encourage you to look at our support services for further information.

    Campus Engagement and Events

    We sponsor a number of events throughout the year that highlight issues of gender justice and promote women writers, activists, artists ,and political and professional leaders. These include conferences, trainings, and workshops, with topics ranging from restorative justice to healthy relationships to men and masculinity. Major sponsored events, co-produced with student groups, include Gender Equity Week, the Love Your Body Campaign, the OWN IT Women’s Leadership Summit, and Take Back the Night.

    We play an advocacy role regarding issues of gender equity, health, childcare, workplace discrimination, domestic and sexual violence, and mental health.  

    Learn more and connect with us at 

    The video below, made as part of our 40th Anniversary Voices of Change Project, celebrates our past and present. We hope it will inspire you to become part of our future. 

    Our Space

    Located in the heart of campus, at 3643 Locust Walk, the Penn Women’s Center offers the perfect space for individuals to study, relax, host meetings and workshops, or team up for civic engagement projects. PWC offers multiple community spaces and services including the Penn Environmental Education Kitchen (PEEK), Lactation Room, Garden, Multimedia Lending Library, Maker Space, TV Lounge, and assorted meeting rooms.

    Photo of three women smiling while standing in Women's Center kitchen Photo of people sitting in back garden talking and eating Photo of people at open house event
    Our Space 
    Photo of first floor living room Photo of multipurpose room Photo of multipurpose room

    Sign up for the Penn Women's Center newsletter

    Staff Members

    Elisa Foster (she/her), Director,

    Jasmine Greene, (she/her), Associate Director,

    Catharine Sciolla, (she/her), Associate Director,

    Hitomi Yoshida (she/her), Coordinator,

    Spiritual & Religious Life Center (SPARC)

    The Spiritual & Religious Life Center (SPARC) provides a home on campus for religious and spiritual students and groups. SPARC provides space for regular prayer (including daily Muslim prayer space), scripture study, and meditation sessions for individuals and groups.

    Learn more by visiting the SPARC website or following them on Facebook or Instagram.

    Get Involved 
    Penn students pursue their faith and fellowship within a wide variety of student organizations. Find your community!

    PRISM is our student interfaith leadership group, join them to plan great interfaith events and advocate for religious life!

    The Faith Fund 
    Established in 2010, the Faith Fund provides support for activities that consider religious and spiritual themes.

    SPARC Partner Organizations and Groups 

    Anglican & Episcopal Students at Penn and St. Mary's, The Episcopal Church at Penn, include activities centered on the Episcopal Student Association and the liturgical service at St. Mary's Church.

    Lubavitch House at Penn provides a warm and stimulating environment for all Jewish students regardless of background or affiliation.

    Penn Newman Catholic Center is the Roman Catholic Church's presence on campus, serving the entire community at Penn.

    Global Connect U City
    We hope our city feels like home! We are a network of Christians in Philadelphia that seek to serve international students and scholars of all faiths and cultures through friendship, fun activities, English conversation, and spiritual support. Please come join our international community. And bring a friend! 

    Penn GradHillel is here to enhance the experience of Jewish graduate students at Penn through Shabbat and holidays, social events, Jewish learning, and by supporting Jewish graduate clubs.

    Additional Information and Resources

    The University of Pennsylvania is a large and complex institution, and we know that a feeling of belonging on campus is critical to your success and well-being. It makes a difference to find and connect with people and activities that support your whole self and not just your role as a graduate or professional student. 

    There are many, many programs, organizations, and activities that help graduate students become active participants in the broader Penn community. Click the links below to see additional opportunities for engagement. 

    Campus Engagement Opportunities 

    Physical and Emotional Health
    Campus Recreation

    Penn Campus Recreation offers intramural sport leagues, 2 on-campus fitness facilities, informal recreation, 38 sport clubs, group exercise classes, personal training, and rock climbing

    Campus Recreation Resources  

    Penn Campus Recreation serves the University community, with memberships available for students, faculty, staff, and affiliates. Membership includes access to both Pottruck and Fox fitness facilities, group exercise classes, use of the Sheerr Pool and sauna, access to intramural sport leagues, and more. Additional services like Reformer Pilates, personal training, and rock climbing are available. Campus Recreation runs four week-long sessions of Summer Rec Camp in July for children 6-12.

    The Intramural Sports program offers organized sport activities that promote participation and socialization between groups and individuals, enhance physical fitness, and foster a spirit of fair play and sportsmanship.

    If you would like a tour or presentation for your department, cohort, or team, please reach out to Tyler Snyder, Membership Coordinator. Teambuilding experiences, ticket blocks to athletic events, and custom fitness classes are available as a great option for new students to explore available wellness programming and enjoy a shared experience outside of the classroom.

    Penn Athletics

    A proud member of the Ivy League, Penn offers many unique and exciting opportunities for students, faculty, and staff to cheer on the mighty Quakers, participate in competitive team sports, and stay physically fit at state-of-the-art, world-class training centers.

    Penn students get FREE tickets to most home games and are eligible for discounted guest tickets and more! 

    White text on blue and red background: Student ticket guide
    View and Download

    Penn Athletics provides intercollegiate and recreational opportunities that enrich the Penn student experience and makes athletic facilities and activities available to the entire campus community. View athletic facility schedules here





    Penn Violence Prevention

    Penn Violence Prevention (PVP) engages the Penn community in the prevention of sexual violence, relationship violence, stalking, and sexual harassment on campus. We foster collaborative relationships across campus to ensure a survivor-centered, multi-faceted approach to support services and primary prevention. Through collective community action, we are committed to ending interpersonal violence by addressing gender inequity, social injustice, and oppression through outreach and education.

    Important Links 

    PVP Website

    Penn Title IX Website

    Penn Sexual Misconduct Policy


    Wellness at Penn

    Wellness at Penn is dedicated to caring for students during their academic journey while creating a campus-wide community of care. Our team is committed to offering a wide range of opportunities to access support, clinical resources, and practical tools to meaningfully engage with one's health and wellbeing.  

    Our vision is simple: we want to create a campus experience that integrates the science, theory, and practice of wellness. We will accomplish this by infusing wellness across its eight domains throughout the Penn experience through inclusive, innovative, and impactful initiatives. The eight domains of Wellness include: physical, emotional, social, intellectual, environmental, financial, occupational, and spiritual wellness. All of our initiatives are grounded in collaboration and fueled by CARE: compassion, accessibility, respect, and empowerment.

    Our organization is built upon two pillars that operate collaboratively to create a campus community centered on wellness:

    Student Health and Counseling: Caring for Students During Their Academic Journey

    Student Health and Counseling is the primary care and psychological care division of Wellness at Penn. Our state-of-the-art medical and counseling centers are designed to provide high-quality, compassionate care for undergraduate, graduate, and professional students during their academic journey. Student Health and Counseling is committed to providing safe, accessible, cost-effective, culturally-sensitive, and student-focused care. Our team provides care for acute and chronic health problems, preventative health services, as well as mental health and counseling, crisis management, and consultations. 

    Public Health and Wellbeing: Creating a Community of Care

    The Public Health and Wellbeing division seeks to create a community of care through advocacy, education, and action. Our dedicated staff focuses on a wide variety of healthy living topics, including sleep hygiene, stress reduction, nutrition, exercise, and sexual health. Public Health and Wellbeing also consists of Immunization and Insurance Compliance, the Penn Farm, and the SUPER (Substance Use, Prevention, Education, and Recovery) Program. Visit our website to request a wellbeing workshop. 

    Wellness at Penn Homepage

    Counseling services are covered by your student fees and available to all students at no additional charge. Insurance information will not be collected. 

    Medical services are available to all full-time students regardless of their insurance coverage. All full-time students are charged a Clinical Fee which allows them access to these services. Part-time students may elect to pay the clinical fee in order to be seen.

    Additional Information and Resources

    Penn strives to promote physical fitness and emotional balance so that students prioritize their health. Click the links below for additional information and resources.

    Physical and Emotional Health

    Spiritual Wellness

    Arts and Recreation

    Help and Support 

    See arts and recreational activities beyond campus on our Living in Philadelphia page. 

      Academic and Professional Development
      Career Services
      Resources for new students

      Career Services provides support and resources to assist PhD and master's degree students with career exploration and planning at any time during their academic programs. 

      Thumbnail of handout with text

      Black text on green and blue background: Resources & Quick tips

      Thumbnail of handout with text

      Black text on green and blue background: Resources & Quick tips

      Master's Students


      Additional Resources for Master's Students

      Beyond Graduate School
      Beyond Grad School is an online platform that helps master’s students make the most out of their investment and launch their next great career. From video lessons on career exploration to writing application materials, to interviewing and negotiating for that next career step — Beyond Grad School helps master’s students through each stage of their job search. Beyond Grad School’s unique curriculum is designed by learning specialists and experts in career development. Our programming is research driven and proven to support master’s students in launching new careers.

      Handout for Master's Students 

      PhD Students and Postdocs

      Additional Resources for PhD Students

      PhD Career Training Platform
      A one-stop, online resource and curriculum for PhDs students exploring faculty and expanded career options – from making the most out of graduate school to positioning yourself for future career paths, you can find resources and structured support for your professional and career development.

      Handout for PhD Students and Postdocs

      White text on blue background: See all Career Services videos for graduate students
      Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning, & Innovation (CETLI)

      The Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning, & Innovation (CETLI) helps to prepare graduate students to work as part of an instructional team as TAs or to teach their own classes at Penn.  In addition, CETLI has a number of programs and services to help graduate students as they go on the job market and imagine themselves as future faculty.

      Programs and Services for Graduate Students

      The Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning, & Innovation (CETLI) provides a broad range of programs for graduate students that can help them succeed as TAs, prepare for the academic job market, and ready themselves for being faculty in the future. Please visit our website to learn more about programs and services for graduate students, including our Teaching Certificate and Fellows programs, and see upcoming workshops and mini-courses. You are welcome to attend any of our events for graduate students.


      Teaching Certificate






      TA Training



      CETLI Graduate Fellows


      Consultations & Observations


      Job Market Consults


      Teaching that Enables Every

      Student to Thrive


      CETLI Mini Courses



      Workshops by Request


      Upcoming Events

      Visit the CETLI Website 

      CURF - Graduate Fellowships Support

      To Penn graduate students, CURF should be known as "The Center for Undergraduate Research AND (also) Fellowships" since CURF supports all undergraduate and graduate students and alumni in exploring and applying for Nationally Competitive Fellowships through one-on-one advising, specialized online resources, info sessions and events, draft review, and interview preparation.

      CURF assists graduate students seeking funding for language study or graduate study through any fellowships in CURF’s Fellowships Directory. Please consult our comprehensive Resources for Graduate Students page and use our Fellowships Directory to identify appropriate fellowships for you. CURF can help you at any stage of the application process — finding fellowships, next steps for preparing to apply, draft review, and practice interviews where applicable.

      CURF manages Penn’s nomination process for the Fulbright U.S. Student Award and the Rhodes Scholarship (among others) and also supports applicants applying for fellowship opportunities such as the Gates Cambridge Scholarship, Mitchell Scholarship, Schwarzman Scholars Program, Critical Language Scholarship, and Soros Fellowship.

      CURF is one fellowships resource for graduate students among many at Penn, along with the Graduate Student Center, your department, and your faculty mentors. To learn more about the fellowship opportunities with which CURF works, check out our customized Fellowship Directory for graduate students available through our Resources for Graduate Students page.

      Important Links 

      Sign-up for CURF’s Weekly Email Digest at:

      Schedule an appointment with the CURF Advisor who works with fellowships in which you are interested:

      You may access CURF’s Canvas sites for:

      Penn Libraries

      Welcome, new graduate students! As a Penn student, you can access the Penn Libraries’ network of 19 distinct libraries, over 40 subject librarians, physical and digital collections, and a whole range of services designed to help support your research. We also offer support and expertise in various innovative technologies that you can incorporate into your research and teaching.

      More information about services for graduate students can be found on our website.

      Our librarians look forward to meeting you and welcoming you to Penn!

      Weingarten Center

      The Weingarten Center provides academic support and accommodations for undergraduate, graduate, and professional students to ensure that students receive comprehensive services that enhance their learning experiences and intellectual development at Penn. All services and programs are free and confidential.

      Academic Support includes learning consultations, tutoring, and interactive programs support students as they develop learning strategies and content knowledge to further their academic and professional goals.

      Disability Services provides comprehensive, professional services and programs for students who self-identify with disabilities to ensure equal academic opportunities and participation in University-sponsored programs. Professional staff evaluate current documentation, determine individual students' eligibility according to program guidelines, and determine reasonable accommodations for all qualified students with documented disabilities on a case-by-case basis.

      Access the Weingarten Center Portal to 

      Schedule an appointment

      Register for a workshop

      Request and manage accommodations

      Maroon button with computer icon and "MyWeingartenCenter" in white



      Weingarten Center Events

      Access the Weingarten Center's calendar for current events and activities.

      Read our Blog

      Get tips.
      Hear from students.
      See where we study.

      Sign up for our Newsletter

      Latest news.
       In your inbox.
      Once a month.

      Additional Information and Resources

      Penn offers a wide variety of resources, offices, and programs for graduate students to support them in all aspects of their Penn experience.

      Academic Policies and Requirements

      Academic Resources and Support

      School and College Contacts


      Campus and Community Engagement
      Graduate Student Governance

      The Graduate and Professional Student Assembly (GAPSA).serves as the official voice for the approximately 17,000 full and part-time graduate and professional students at Penn. GAPSA is also responsible for administering graduate student activity fees, providing resources for travel grants, research support, and other activities throughout the year. In addition to GAPSA, 12 School Governments handle school-specific issues, activity funding, and serve as school representatives in GAPSA. 

      Graduate Student Groups

      Student groups foster vital student interaction and offer countless opportunities for exploration, personal growth, and development of leadership, communication, and other invaluable skills.  Explore Penn's many graduate student organizations and campus activities to find out how you can participate in the broader Penn community. Search a full list of registered student groups at

      You can also connect with your Graduate Program Advisor or ask the Grad Center team for referrals to student organizations, affinity groups, or additional campus resources. 

      Please see information and upcoming events shared by graduate student groups below. 


      Latin American Graduate and Professional Assembly (LAGAPSA)

      Congratulations! We are so excited to welcome you to Penn!

      We are the Latin American Graduate and Professional Student Assembly (LAGAPSA) and our mission is to enhance the quality of life for graduate and professional students of Latin American, Latina/o/x, and/or Hispanic descent at the University of Pennsylvania. Supported by GAPSA and the Grad Student Center, we address constituents’ academic, social, political, and cultural needs and concerns through programming, services, and advocacy. This year, we seek to put together events to allow community members to distress, learn, and feel together!

      Follow us on social media: Instagram @lagapsa.upenn & Facebook @LAGAPSAUPenn

      Visit our website at

      Pan-Asian Graduate Student Association (PAGSA)

      The Pan-Asian Graduate Student Association (PAGSA) seeks to improve the academic and social lives of Asian and Asian American graduate and professional students at the University of Pennsylvania, and increase their awareness about Asian and Asian American issues. Through our various social, academic, health and wellness, and service-related activities, we seek to establish connections between both international Asian and Asian American students across the graduate and professional schools to foster a sense of community among the Pan-Asian population at Penn.

      To learn more and view upcoming events visit our website here:

      Penn First Graduate Association

      The Penn First Graduate Association was founded in 2018 to enrich the lives of the first generation, low income graduate students here at the University of Pennsylvania. The purpose of the organization is to survey, evaluate, assess, and address the concerns of the constituents to engage them at the University. The organization will strive for equity amongst all graduate students at the University, and to bridge the gaps that first generation, low income graduate students may encounter. 

      PFGA GroupMe

      Penn Graduate Women in Science and Engineering (PGWISE)

      We are a graduate student organization centered on the advancement of women scientists and engineers. We want to ensure that women are given the opportunity to be successful in their chosen fields and provide them the tools to do so. We host events for outreach, career development, social networking and more! Check out our social media (Instagram, Facebook and Twitter) as well as the GAPSA and BGS newsletters for the most updated information about our events. We host events frequently throughout the year. Feel free to attend any of our professional development workshops, happy hour events, or even get involved with PGWISE outreach around the city.

      Want to be more involved in PGWISE? Apply for a position on the PGWISE Executive Board. Email to request more information.

      Follow PGWISE on social media:


      Rangoli, the Indian Association at Penn is a University of Pennsylvania organization, that was formed to prolong our culture, and rekindle the spirit of various Indian traditions and festivals with verve and vigor. Rangoli is proud to continue it’s journey, as it continues to be one of Penn's completely incorporated organizations. We are open to every member of Penn's community as we try to reach out to the various other cultural groups. Rangoli receives its funds from the Graduate and Professional Student Assembly (GAPSA).

      Facebook: /Rangoli Indian Association at Penn 



      Click to view and download flyer 

      Perry World House
      Perry World House collage


      Perry World House is a hub for global affairs on Penn’s campus, bringing the University’s academic knowledge to bear on some of the world’s most pressing challenges. We facilitate critical conversations about and foster interdisciplinary research on major global policy issues, ranging from new technologies to climate change, through our student programs, public events, and more.

      Graduate Programming

      • Graduate Associates Program: This competitively-selected program open to graduate students across Penn, helps you develop professional skills relevant to shaping policy and engage with our vibrant community of scholars, students, and visitors. The next application window for our 2022-2023 cohort opens on August 30, 2022.
      • Professional Opportunities: Penn graduate students can work as research assistants for our visiting fellows and visiting scholars, and as rapporteurs for our annual conferences and workshops. Contact our Program Managers Thomas J. Shattuck ( and Lauren Anderson ( to learn more.
      • Mentoring Undergraduate Students: Penn graduate students can mentor and advise undergraduates working on policy research projects through our World House Student Fellows Program.


      Connect with Us

      Netter Center for Community Partnerships

      The Barbara & Edward Netter Center for Community Partnerships works to create mutually beneficial partnerships between Penn and West Philadelphia, engaging thousands of Penn undergraduate and graduate students in Academically Based Community Service courses and University-Assisted Community Schools programs.

      Find your passion and make a difference! Graduate students can get involved with the local community in a variety of ways: 



      White text on red background: Newsletter

      Penn Leads the Vote

      PLTV Logo - blue and red text with stars and lines

      Penn Leads the Vote (PLTV) is a student-run, non-partisan program that increases voter engagement and voting while advancing Penn’s role of supporting the democratic and civic engagement of Penn students.  PLTV is university-wide and its leadership comes from both the undergraduate and graduate student bodies of the University of Pennsylvania. During election cycles, PLTV connects the Penn community with the resources needed to register and check registration, to be informed, and to get out to the polls.  Throughout the year, PLTV encourages students to learn about and engage with current issues and politics at the local, state, and national level.

      What you can do:

      Penn Live Arts

      Penn Live Arts (formerly the Annenberg Center) is a major cultural destination and crossroads in the performing arts, connecting regional audiences and the University through exposure to innovative human expression in theater, music, and dance.

      Their annual programming includes:

      • A broad range of programs in music, theatre and dance
      • Performances by local, world-renowned and emerging artists with diverse perspectives
      • Artistic and educational offerings for all ages

      Penn students can get $10 tickets to Penn Live Arts performances at any time. To purchase, use promo code PENNSTUDENT online or at the Box Office. Must use Penn email address and show valid Penn ID at pick-up.* 

      The Penn Live Arts blog features digital content intended to connect our audiences with visionary artists and innovative ideas, resulting in transformative artistic experiences.  Started in the summer of 2020, the blog has engaged with past and present artists through our 5 Questions series, featured numerous guest writers from the arts and Penn communities and had opportunities to spotlight some of our significant events like the Feintuch Family Lobby dedication and the kick-off of our multi-year 50th anniversary celebration with #MyAnnenbergStory.

      Sign up to receive emails and find us on FacebookTwitter and Instagram to receive regular updates.

      Red text on white background: Penn Live Arts University of Pennsylvania

      Penn Live Arts
      3680 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6219
      For tickets, call 215.898.3900.

      Penn Museum

      The Penn Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology advances understanding of the world's cultural heritage through its extensive research, collections, exhibitions, and educational programming. 

      Connect with the cultures of Africa, Asia, the Americas, and the Mediterranean, from the very first cities of the Middle East to the pharaohs of ancient Egypt; from early Mexico to the lives of Native American communities today. Experience the richness of the ancient past, gain an understanding of our shared humanity, and find your own place in the arc of human history.

      Admission is free with your PennCard! Walk up and show your ID at the welcome desk or reserve a free ticket online.

      Photo of woman sitting in chair with glass of wine

      Living Room Lectures

      Photo collage of museum artifacts

      Daily Digs

      Photo of museum artifact

      Galleries at Home

      Closeup photo of hands molding brightly colored clay

      At-Home Anthropology

      See upcoming events

      Visit the Penn Museum website


      Additional Information and Resources

      Morris Arboretum
      The Morris Arboretum is a historic public garden and educational institution. A short drive or train ride from campus, the Arboretum hosts a full slate of programs that integrate science, art, and the humanities. Admission is free with your PennCard!


      Civic House 
      Civic House is Penn's hub for civic engagement, centering community organizations and social justice education, promoting mutually beneficial collaborations between Penn and Philadelphia community nonprofit organizations. Through social justice education, trainings and workshops, Civic House prepares students for responsible community engagement and empowers them to become advocates for social change.

      Learn more and connect with Civic House: 


      Learn more about Arts & Culture at Penn
      From the one-of-a-kind museums on campus to accomplished student performances in music, dance, and theater, culture and the arts play a leading role in life at Penn. Check out a list of cultural institutions at Penn or see a list of upcoming arts & culture events at Penn.

      See arts and culture activities beyond campus on the Grad Center's Living in Philadelphia page. 


      Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life 
      Are you familiar with Fraternities and Sororities? Are you an alumni member of one or possibly just have an interest in working with the fraternity and sorority community? We know that involvement in a Fraternity and Sorority is not just an undergraduate experience but one that people stay engaged in throughout their time as Alumni. Whether you are an active volunteer with your fraternity or sorority, or looking to stay connected to the fraternity and sorority community post-graduate, we want to meet you!

      With over 40 organizations strong and 2,000+ members, our fraternity and sorority community involves undergraduate members in a wide range of sororities, fraternities, and gender neutral organizations. Learn More about Our Purpose and our community here at the University of Pennsylvania

      The Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life provides volunteer opportunities for staff and graduate level students that have a fraternity or sorority affiliation or interest. Reach out to us and follow us on Instagram to learn more about these programs @penngreeks.


      Kelly Writers House
      The Kelly Writers House is an actual 13-room house at 3805 Locust Walk on Penn's campus that serves as a center for writers of all kinds from Penn and the Philadelphia region at large. Each semester the Writers House hosts approximately 150 public programs and projects--poetry readings, film screenings, seminars, web magazines, lectures, dinners, radio broadcasts, workshops, art exhibits, and musical performances--and about 500 people visit the House each week. Writers House also has a strong virtual presence - with interactive webcasts and dozens of listservs and email discussion groups. Through its many programs and projects, the Writers House promotes the full range of contemporary literature, addressing writing both as a practice and as an object of study.

      There are many ways for you to plug in to our community and to deepen your intellectual engagement with the writing arts. Our couches are available for studying and occasional naps. Coffee in the kitchen fuels many late-night discussions. We host open-mic nightswriting workshopsreading groupscommunity writing projects, and all kinds of free programming. Look around and find your thing or join our Planning Committee and become a writing activist. 

      Visit the Kelly Writers House Website 

        Campus Services
        Off Campus Services

        Hello, welcome to Penn from the Off-Campus Services Office.

        My name is Linda Kromer, and I am the Associate Director of Off-Campus Services. I am here to assist you with educational and resource materials while living off-campus. I can help you read through a lease and offer suggestions regarding any issues you may have with your off-campus apartment. Please reach out if I can help you or if you have any questions. Email:, phone: 215-898-8500. Have a great semester!

        Off Campus Services Website

        Follow us on Twitter

        Penn Bookstore

        Photo of Penn Bookstore entrance

        The Penn Bookstore offers a wide assortment of products and services to meet the needs of Penn faculty, staff, students, and the surrounding community. In addition to providing required course materials, the Penn Bookstore offers a wide range of Penn branded apparel and gifts.

        Spanning over 50,000 square feet, the bookstore hosts many events and provides ample space for all to enjoy. Located within the bookstore is a fully-licensed Starbucks as well as a "marketplace" for grab-and-go goods. 

        The Penn Bookstore is located at the corner of 36th & Walnut Streets. Order online or stop by in person. 

        Penn Bookstore contact
        Penn Transit

        Penn Transit's integrated transit system provides effective, efficient, and safe integrated transit on and around campus within specific service boundaries. Transit Services are free of charge to all Penn community members holding a valid PennCard. 

        Learn more about 

        Navigating Penn Transit 

        Division of Public Safety's Walking Escort Program

        Download the Penn Rides on the Request App! 

        Public Safety

        The dedicated members of the Division of Public Safety (DPS) are responsible for enhancing the quality of life, safety, and security of our community. DPS accomplishes this mission through the delivery of a comprehensive and integrated safety and security program, in partnership with the community that we serve. Your safety and security is our highest priority. We encourage you to partner with us in your safety by using the services described on our website.

        Map of University City foot patrols
        Click image to view full-size map

        Penn is located in the heart of University City, a vibrant urban environment in West Philadelphia. This diverse area offers an abundant cultural, artistic and communal setting that includes retail and fine dining opportunities. Just minutes away from Center City Philadelphia, Penn is close to some of our nation’s historic treasures – the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall.

        The Division of Public Safety offers comprehensive safety and security services to our community members and visitors. Public Safety works closely with our city, state and federal law enforcement and emergency services partners to ensure the safety of all of those who work and study at Penn.

        Your safety and security is our highest priority. We encourage you to partner with us in your safety by using the services described on our website. 

        Follow us on Twitter @PennDPS.

        Visit the Public Safety website

        DPS “Top 10 List” Penn DPS Contact Information

        The Division of Public Safety (DPS) encourages you to learn about all of the safety services available to you. Please take a moment to review the ten things you need to know, including free safety services that the Division of Public Safety offers the community.

        1. Contact DPS Anytime: 215-573-3333 | Emergencies: Call (215) 573-3333 

        Our 24/7 PennComm Emergency Communications center is always available for you. Call anytime for any police, fire, or medical emergencies at 215-573-3333. PennComm also provides connections to walking escorts, vehicle assistance, and more.

        Bluelight Phones: 
        If you observe a potential safety hazard, need a walking escort, or require Penn Police assistance, contact the Division of Public Safety from one of more than over 300 blue-light phones on campus and in the surrounding community. Just pick up the receiver or press the button.

        2. Walking Escort Program: 215-898-WALK (9255)

        Uniformed Allied Universal Public Safety Officers provide walking escorts to all campus locations. Officers are dispatched by radio and will accompany you from one campus location to another, to your parked vehicle, to a Penn Transit Stop or to an on-campus SEPTA regional transit stop.

        Available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, between 30th to 43rd Streets and Market Street to Baltimore Avenue. Escorts also extend west to 50th Street, and north/south from Spring Garden to Woodland Avenue, between 10 a.m. and 12 a.m. via the University’s partnership with the University District Ambassador Program.

        How to Request a Walking Escort:

        • Ask any Public Safety Officer on patrol or inside a building
        • Call 215-898-WALK (9255) or 511 (from campus phone)
        • Use one of the many building and blue-light ephones located on and off Penn’s Campus

        3. The HELP Line: 215-898-HELP (4357)

        Any member of the Penn community can utilize this service by calling 215-898-HELP(4357).  Calls will be answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by Division of Public Safety professionals trained in mental health referrals by staff from Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS).

        Learn more: The HELP Line

        4. Penn Transit: 215-898-RIDE (7433)

        Penn Transit provides ways that enables passengers to request a ride on the University’s on-demand services such as Pennovation WorksPenn Accessible Transit, and Penn’s Evening Shuttles.

        Penn Transit’s app, PennTransit Mobile allows riders to request a ride on the University’s on-demand services such as Pennovation Works, Penn Accessible Transit, and Penn’s on-demand Evening Shuttles.

        To learn more about PennTransit Mobile, please visit the Transportation and Parking website.

        5. Safety Strategies

        Safety Strategies: Theft Awareness

        Safety Strategies: Personal Safety

        Safety Strategies: Computer/Online Safety: Preventing Fraud & ID Theft

        Safety Strategies: Residence Safety

        Safety Strategies: How to Respond to Theft of an Occupied Vehicle Theft taken by Force

        Safety Strategies: Walk/Ride/Drive SMART

        Safety Strategies: Package Theft

        Safety Strategies: Phone and Email Scams

        6. Penn Guardian

        Penn Guardian is a free smartphone application that is available to anyone with a Penn email address

        7. UPennAlert Emergency Notification System

        The UPennAlert Emergency Notification System enables the University to quickly notify the Penn and surrounding Philadelphia community of critical information during significant emergencies or dangerous situations involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees occurring on campus.

        This is accomplished through three (3) key methods: Personal Messaging; Siren and Public Address Systems; and Digital Displays.

        8. Self-Defense and Empowerment Courses

        Special Services offers free-of-charge self-defense classes to ALL Penn affiliates. These self-defense trainings empower individuals through communication and physical defense. We provide gender inclusive and expansive courses, separate courses for women and men, and private classes. Learn more on our self-defense registration page.

        9. Campus Express Property Registration

        Penn students, faculty and staff can register their bicycles, electronic equipment and other valuables online with the University of Pennsylvania Police Department. By registering your property, you will increase the chances of recovery should your property ever be lost or stolen. You will also receive a registration sticker which will help to serve as a visual deterrent.

        Penn students may register property by logging on to Campus Express Online,, and selecting “My Property Registration.”

        Faculty & Staff 
        Penn faculty and staff may register property by logging on to U@Penn and selecting "Property Registration" under the heading “Policies and Procedures” and subheading “Safety & Preparedness.”

        10. Safety Presentations and Materials
        Members of the Division of Public Safety will provide safety information including brochures, videos, and presentations upon request. To request materials or arrange for a presentation, please contact our Special Services Department at (215) 898-4481, email specialservices[at] or complete the presentation request form
        More information and services

        Campus Express
        Campus Express is the online onboarding site for all new students at Penn. The site is a one-stop shop for most essential student services at Penn such as the getting a Penn identification card, confirming on-campus housing,  purchasing a dining plan, registering property, purchasing books or a computer and taking advantage of Penn’s many transportation options.  Campus Express makes life easier and more convenient for thousands of new students each year.             

        Office of the Ombuds 
        The Ombuds Office welcomes any member of the Penn community who is experiencing difficulty, conflict, or confusion at work, within their studies, or throughout their life at the University more broadly. We offer an accessible and safe place to resolve differences, explore matters of concern, improve communication, and generate and evaluate options.

        Our mission is to ameliorate those conditions that may impede community members finding satisfaction with their lives at Penn. Our door is open to students, staff, and faculty. We encourage people to contact us at the earliest stages of a problem so that we can assist before it escalates.

        Learn more about the Office of the Ombuds and learn how they work with members of the Penn community

        Help and Support

        Need Assistance?

        The Graduate Student Center is here to help you navigate the many resources at the University. Any graduate or professional student experiencing an issue or unsure where to turn can contact us for guidance. Dr. Meredith Wooten, the Grad Center's director, is available to meet with students individually by appointment. 

        The University's HELP Line 215-898-HELP (4357) is a 24-hour-a-day phone number for members of the Penn community who are seeking time sensitive help in navigating Penn’s resources for health and wellness.