About the Grad Center

A unit of the Office of the Vice Provost for Education, the Graduate Student Center is a central hub for resources, activities, support, and advocacy for all graduate and professional students at Penn. 

What We Do

The Graduate Student Center, located at 3615 Locust Walk, provides a centrally-located space to relax, eat lunch, and connect with other graduate and professional students from across the university. In addition to providing a central gathering and study space for students, the Grad Center holds hundreds of events each year designed to help students gain the skills, experiences, and community they need for a truly successful graduate experience. 

We also provide a range of services and resources to empower graduate and professional students to participate fully in the graduate community at Penn. Whether students need help finding mentorship, building connections on campus, accessing accommodations, or something else, there are a range of resources and staff at Penn who are here and ready to help. Because it can be difficult to find the exact resource you need at a complex institution like Penn, the Grad Center has an expanded Graduate Resource Guide to make it easier for students to connect with the help they need.

The Grad Center team also advises individuals and graduate student groups on all aspects of graduate life at Penn. Students can schedule an advising appointment or send questions to the whole team at gradcenter@upenn.edu for a response.

Our Mission and Vision

Resources, Services, and Room Reservations

Individual and Group Advising 

Who We Are

The Graduate Student Center is led by a team of professional staff and graduate fellows trained to support the University of Pennsylvania's graduate and professional students. 

Meet the Grad Center Team

Engage with Us

We'd love to hear from you! Connect with the Grad Center and find ways to get more involved. 

Connect with us

Alumni Engagement