Penn Grad Blog About & Submissions

The Graduate Student Center maintains this blog to allow for creative and intellectual empowerment and growth of graduate and professional students at the University of Pennsylvania. Article topics should speak to the graduate and professional student experience at Penn, offer advice, and adhere to the mission of the Graduate Student Center. If you have an idea for a blog post or topic, please complete the form below and a representative of the Center will be in touch. 

Note: Currently the world is facing the COVID-19 pandemic. As we social distance, we welcome blog posts or ideas from students related to this issue and how they are coping. 

The views expressed in this blog are not necessarily the views of the University of Pennsylvania or the Graduate Student Center.

Pitch to the Graduate Student Center Blog
Use this form to briefly (300 words or less) describe the blog post you'd like to write. Your topic should be relevant to Penn graduate and professional students. Someone from the Center will be in touch with you to go over the submission process and work with you to develop the idea further. Editors will edit blog posts for length, clarity, and adherence to the Graduate Student Center's mission.
Penn Affiliation
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