Graduate Grants

The Graduate Grants Office coordinates with programs and organizations across campus to administer individual graduate student grants funded through the General Fee, as well as selected need- and merit-based grants funded through the Office of the Provost. 

Learn more about 

Individual Grants Sponsored by the Provost
Individual student grants and awards sponsored by the Office of the Provost and administered through different University offices, including the Graduate Grants Office. 

Individual Grants Sponsored by Student Orgs
Individual student grants offered by graduate student organizations at Penn and funded through the General Fee.  Apply here |  Reimbursement details here

External Grants & Fellowships
Information about external grants and fellowships offered by private foundations, government agencies, and corporations, as well as selected major University fellowship competitions. 

Graduate Funding & Finances
Information and resources to help you identify funding opportunities and make more informed financial decisions as you pursue your degree. 

Student Group and Event Funding
Information about funding for student organizations and events 

Click on headings to expand content 

Student Government Supported Individual Grants

Several graduate school governments use a portion of their General Fee (student activity fee) allocation to fund grants for individual travel, research, and professional development.

Students should review carefully the complete guidelines and policies on official program websites, as well as the universal guidelines and policies below, before submitting an application or seeking reimbursement for funds awarded through these programs.  

What is Covered
Covered or In/Eligible Expenses

Grants offered through student organizations are funded through the General Fee, which supports extracurricular student activities and resources across campus. In addition to University purchasing and payment policies, there are a number of additional guidelines and restrictions on the use of General Fee funds. 

The following tables include expenses commonly covered by student grant programs and expenses which cannot be covered by these funds. These lists are not exhaustive. If you have questions about whether an expense is covered or about University policies related to purchasing and reimbursements, please contact 

Covered Expenses 

Grants may be used to reimburse documented individual expenses directly incurred by current students in association with a range of extra- and co-curricular activities, as defined by the specific grant program and sponsoring organization. 

Typical covered expenses include travel to professional meetings and conferences, voluntary training and professional workshops, and a limited range of other academic and professional development activities. 

Lodging expenses may be covered at up to 110% of the published per diem rates in the activity location. Local travel may be covered only on the first/last day of travel and where clearly justified by the itinerary. Taxi/carshare to airports or train stations is allowable only where public transit or shuttle service is unavailable or impractical due to location or time of day. 

Covered expenses must be directly related to activities undertaken during periods in which the student is actively enrolled in an eligible graduate or professional degree program.

Ineligible Expenses
Individual grants funded through the General Fee CANNOT be used to reimburse or cover the following expenses: 
  • Costs associated with academic requirements or credit-bearing activities for their degree program (including for-credit internships/externships, rotations, and practicums)
  • Costs for other regular expenses related to the cost of attendance (including tuition & fees, living expenses, clothing, laptops/tablets, and other educational supplies and equipment)
  • Expenses incurred by someone other than the student, including purchases made by an advisor or PI or covered through sponsored funds.
  • Fees and expenses directly related to professional licensing and/or post-graduation employment or training, including interviews, OPT fees, professional licensure fees, residency interviews and internships, etc.
  • Expenses for costs incurred during periods in which the student is not actively enrolled and registered in a University program, including leaves of absence and post-graduation costs 
  • Information technology, electronic resources, or other items available for free or low cost to Penn students or for which access or funds are available to the student through their program, fellowship, or a faculty grant. 
  • Reimbursing costs associated with individual services or research participants. Such payments must be arranged through a purchase order (PO) or invoiced to the University. See Payment policies below for more information.
  • Costs associated with non-conference travel to/from a student's place of permanent residence ("home") during University break periods are not eligible for extracurricular funding.
  • Meals and other per diem expenses are not allowable expenses for individual student travel. 
  • Gift cards, gift certificates, or other fungible goods in lieu of direct payments.
  • Payments to individuals, including research participants.

Additional restrictions and limitations apply to the following expense types: 

  • Philadelphia-Region Travel
    • For conferences and other activities based in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, only registration fees may be reimbursed.

  • Local travel & Transit **
    • Local travel at other locations may be covered only on the first/last day of travel and/or where clearly justified by the itinerary or location.
    • Taxi/carshare to airports or train stations is allowable only where public transit or shuttle service is unavailable or impractical due to location or time of day.

      ** For travel to/from airports and stations, travelers are expected to take the most affordable available method, including public transit where available. Local transit and taxi/carshare will only be covered on first/last day of travel and where reasonable and more affordable alternatives are not available
  • International Travel
  • Payments for services (including transcription services)
    • If your grant includes services, such as transcription services, please contact and ask the vendor prepare an estimate or invoice for submission. We will coordinate with the vendor to arrange payment. Do not pay the invoice yourself.
Who Can Apply
Eligibility Criteria

The following basic or universal eligibility criteria apply to all grants funded through the General Fee, which includes student group-sponsored grants listed on this page.

Students must be enrolled in a traditional degree-bearing graduate or professional degree program at the University of Pennsylvania.

  • Students must be actively enrolled and in good academic standing during the period covered by the grant.
  • Grants cannot be awarded for expenses or activities occurring in periods prior to enrollment, following graduation, or during academic terms in which a student is not registered in course or research (thesis/dissertation) credits.
  • Students enrolled in executive-format, online, and certificate programs which do not charge the General Fee are not eligible. Visit the SRFS website for more information about student fees
  • Students enrolled in post-baccalaureate programs are not eligible.
  • Student enrolled accelerated/submatriculation degree programs who have not yet received their bachelor's degree are not eligible

Students may not receive more than $3000 total per year in combined grants, payments, and fungible items (tickets, merchandise) funded through the General Fee.

Please note: the following groups of students may have limited eligibility and are encouraged to review all program details carefully before applying.

  • Part-time students whose primary University affiliation is staff or faculty
  • Visiting students who are not registered or enrolled at Penn with student status (e.g., visiting scholars, etc.)
  • Students enrolled in online-only or executive format programs for which the normal General Fee is not required. Information about online and executive program fees can be found here. 
How to Apply
Process & Forms

The Graduate Grants Office maintains two universal application forms for Individual Research Grants and Individual Travel & Professional Grants. Applications generally remain open throughout the academic year, though the form may close periodically between cycles for minor updates or edits. Applications must be submitted during the semester/term in which the expense is incurred. Additional details below. 

Applicants should review all individual program details carefully before applying. When an application is submitted, the Graduate Grants office verifies that student enrollment and contact information is correct and meets University eligibility criteria. After an applicant's general eligibility is confirmed, their application is shared with the organization managing the program to which they applied for review. 

Individual program recommender deadlines, application review, and notification dates varying by organization and grant program. Grant processing times and disbursements will vary by person and program.

Before you apply 

While application questions and requirements will vary by grant and expense type, we recommend having the following information available before you start an application: 

  • All applicants

    • Itemized Budget 

  • Conference or professional meetings:
    • Conference Title
    • PDF of Conference acceptance and/or program 
    • Conference Location (City/State/Province/Country)
    • Lodging Information 
  • Travel Information 
    • Travel dates
    • Lodging location 

Application Forms

Spring 2025 Conference & Professional Travel Grant Application

Spring 2025 Research Grant Application 

When to Apply
Dates & Deadlines

Applications must be submitted during the semester/term in which the covered activity takes place. Expenses and activities taking place across two cycles should be submitted in the later cycle.  Check application for any deadline extensions or changes.

Fall Grants

  • Activity period covered:
    • August 15 - Dec 31
    • May 15-Dec 20 for grant programs without a summer cycle
  • Application opens by: September 1
  • Application Deadline: October 10
  • Decision notifications by: Nov 15-20
  • Reimbursement deadline: January 5*

* expenses for graduating students must be incurred and submitted at least 2 weeks (14 days) prior to the official end of term. Review all term dates here.  

Spring Grants

  • Activity period covered: January 1 - May 15
  • Application opens by: January 15
  • Application Deadline: March 10
  • Decision notifications by: April 15-20
  • Reimbursement deadline: May 15*

* expenses for graduating students must be incurred and submitted at least 2 weeks (14 days) prior to the official end of term. Review all term dates here.  

Summer Grants**

  • Activity period covered: May 15 - August 14
  • Application opens by: May 1
  • Application Deadline: June 10
  • Decision notifications by: July 20
  • Reimbursement deadline: Aug 5*

* expenses for graduating students must be incurred and submitted at least 2 weeks (14 days) prior to the official end of term. Review all term dates here.  

** The availability of summer grants varies by program and year. Additional eligibility criteria and restrictions apply. Please review all instructions and program details carefully

Sample Itemized Budget

Please note: covered expenses will vary by program and grant. 
Review "Covered and In/Eligible Expenses" section to understand covered expense types and maximums. In particular, please be aware of the following limits: 

  • Meals / per diem and local travel are not allowable expenses for individual student travel grants
  • Local travel expenses are limited to first/last day of travel except where required as part of research activity. Taxi/carshare service is only covered where alternative means (e.g., public transit) are unavailable or impractical due to location or itinerary.
  • Expenses may not exceed 110% of current per diem rates in the activity location. 

This sample is for illustrative purposes only. GAPSA Research Student Grants should use this itemized budget form

Sample Itemized Budget -- Conference Sample Itemized Budget -- Research Travel

Total Budget: $1,240.5
Total Requested: $650

#1: Expense description: Travel – Airfare
Company/Source: American Airlines Quantity: 1 ticket (roundtrip)
Individual Cost: $435.50
Total Cost (quantity x ind cost): 435.50

#2: Expense description: Lodging

Company/Source: Grand Hyatt Hotel (conference site): City, State/Province, Country
Quantity (nights): 4
Individual cost: $125 ($250/room, shared with 1 person)
Total cost (quantity x ind cost): $500

#3: Expense description: Registration costs - Conference
Company/source: Society for Professional Acrobats Quantity: 1
Individual cost: $225
Total cost (quantity x ind cost): $225

#4: Expense description: Registration costs –
Pre-Conference Workshop
Company/source: Society for Professional Acrobats
Quantity: 1 Individual cost: $80
Total cost (quantity x ind cost): $80

Total Budget: $1,337.5 Total Requested: $800

#1: Expense description: Travel – Airfare
Company/Source: American Airlines Quantity: 1 ticket (roundtrip)
Individual Cost: $350.5
Total Cost (quantity x ind cost): $350.5

#2: Expense description: Travel – local travel***
Company/Source: public transit
Quantity: 6 days, 2 roundtrips per day Individual Cost: $2.25
Total Cost (quantity x ind cost): $27

#3: Expense description: Lodging
Company/Source: Travelodge, City, State/Province, Country Quantity (nights): 4
Individual cost: $220
Total cost (quantity x ind cost): $880

#4: Expense description: Archive access/fee
Company/source: Institute for the Study of Acrobatics Quantity: 1
Individual cost: $80
Total cost (quantity x ind cost): $80

**Meals / per diem and local travel are not allowable expenses for individual student travel grants

***Local travel expenses are limited to first/last day of travel. Travel will not be reimbursed beyond the most affordable and reasonable method of travel. Expenses may not exceed 110% of current per diem rates in the activity location. 

Grant Programs

Several graduate school governments use a portion of their student activity fee allocation to fund grants for individual travel, research, and professional development. These programs include: 

  • SASGov grants: Support for SAS Graduate Division research students to pursue research and professional development  
  • GSESG grants: Support for GSE students for conference travel and research  
  • GAPSA Conference and Professional Travel Grants 
    Small grants to reimburse students for costs associated with travel to and participate in academic and professional conferences or meetings. 
  • GAPSA-Provost Fellowship for Interdisciplinary Innovation
    Grants of $6,000 to support original, student-derived initiatives that integrate knowledge across diverse academic disciplines. The fellowship is also meant to help the project-leader(s) develop, pursue and complete their proposed interdisciplinary initiatives.
Guidelines for Groups & Advisors

In accordance with University policy, all individual grants funded by the General Fee and awarded by graduate student groups must be coordinated in partnership with Graduate Grants office. This includes individual travel/research grants, service awards, and other forms of compensation or payment from allocated funds or generated by groups receiving such funds. 

This coordination includes:

  • Defining appropriate purpose(s) for individual grants.
  • Developing payment processes for all individual student grants.
  • Developing and implementing universal applications, Award Letter text, and Payment processes.
  • Changes to agreed-upon items above must be discussed with and approved by the Graduate Grants office.

Please contact with any questions or to schedule a meeting. 

Additional policies related to student payments, grants, and awards can be found on the Graduate Student Groups page and the OSA Financial Services Center webpage. Visit the Penn Division of Finance website for more details and policies related to University financial policies and operations.


Questions about the status of your application prior to (before) application deadlines or after award notification dates should be sent to

Questions about your application during the review process (between deadline and notification) should be sent to the student government contact for the program(s) to which you applied

Getting Reimbursed 

All General Fee-funded individual grants are reimbursed through a centralized process. Please review carefully the required steps and conditions below and on the relevant grant program page to be sure you understand required documentation, uses, and processes for receiving grant funds.

Gather Required Documents
  • Funds must be used for the purpose(s) specified in your award notification and your original application. If travel dates or specific needs have changed due to unforeseen circumstances, please contact the sponsoring organization to discuss whether alternate costs can be covered.
  • Only eligible, documented expenses can be reimbursed. Be sure to review the In/Eligible Expenses section above to understand what expenses are eligible for reimbursement
  • Required documentation includes:
    • Original, itemized receipts and invoices for covered expenses. All receipt(s) or invoice(s) *must* include the date, purchaser name, and an itemized list of items purchased with cost.
    • A COMPLETE copy of your award notification email in PDF format. Screenshots and JPG images cannot be accepted. 
Submit Reimbursement Request

As soon as you have gathered all required documents and information, you should submit an Individual Graduate Grant Reimbursement Request Form

  • Reimbursement / payment requests must be submitted within 2 weeks of receiving your award letter (for past expenses) or within 30 days after incurring the covered expenses (future or ongoing expenses) and no later than the final reimbursement deadline for each cycle. 
    • Expenses for graduating students must be incurred and submitted at least 2 weeks (14 days) prior to the official end of term. Review all term dates here.  
  • Grant funds will be disbursed in a one-time payment. All relevant documents should be submitted together as part of a complete reimbursement request. 

Submit a Reimbursement Request

Update Penn Marketplace Profile

All grant funds are disbursed through the Penn Marketplace. In order to receive your grant, you must be registered as a payee in the Penn Marketplace by an authorized financial administrator.

  • If you are already registered in the Penn Marketplace as a payee, no additional steps are required.
    However, we strongly encourage you to check that your payment and contact information are correct and up-to-date. 
  • If you are not yet registered, some additional steps will be needed:
    • You will receive an email invitation to register from “The University of Pennsylvania” within approximately 3-6 days after submitting the reimbursement request form. Please be sure to check your junk/spam folder in case the email is misdirected there.
    • By selecting the "Register Now" button in the email, you will be routed to a secure website to complete the registration process.
    • After logging in, you will have access to a secure portal to enter your personal and payment details. See additional instructions here.
    • You must register within three business days (M-F) of receiving the email.
  • Set up direct deposit / wire (if possible) to expedite payment.

    Step-by-step Marketplace Registration

Grant processing times and disbursements will vary by person and program. Please contact Penn Supplier Support with any questions about registering as a payee or the status of your payment.

If you have any questions about the grant disbursement process after reading through the guidelines above, please contact the Graduate Grants team at If you have questions about the specific grant terms or program details, please contact the sponsoring organization or group.

Check Email for Next Steps
  • Keep a look out for emails from “University of Pennsylvania, ISC via Smartsheet” with important updates and requests related to processing the grant
Terms & Conditions
  • Funds must be used for the purpose(s) specified in your award notification and your original application. If travel dates or specific needs have changed due to unforeseen circumstances, please contact the sponsoring organization to discuss whether alternate costs can be covered.
  • Reimbursement / payment requests must be submitted within 2 weeks of receiving your award letter (for past expenses) or within 30 days of incurring the covered expenses (future or ongoing expenses). 
    • Expenses for graduating students must be incurred and submitted at least 2 weeks (14 days) prior to the official end of term. Review all term dates here.  
  • You must provide original, itemized receipts and invoices for covered expenses. All receipt(s) or invoice(s) *must* include the date, purchaser name, and an itemized list of items purchased with cost.
  • All University grants and awards to individuals may be considered taxable income by the government.
    You are responsible for reporting the grant income and paying any applicable taxes. Depending on your tax status, taxes may be withheld prior to the grant disbursement. Such taxes may be refunded when students file annual taxes with the IRS. The SFS website provides additional information regarding withholding taxes on grants and aid for non-U.S. citizens.

Students who intentionally or knowingly violate any of the terms above or provide false or misleading information may be charged the amount of awarded funds and/or may be subject to disciplinary action through the Center for Community Standards and Accountability.


Contact / Questions

Program-Specific Questions  

Questions about a specific grant program details and guidelines should be directed to the sponsoring office or organization using through the program contacts and websites listed above. 

University policies and procedures 

Questions about University policies and procedures related to individual grants can be submitted to the Graduate Grants office by emailing