Graduate Resource Guide Academic Policies and Support

Students should familiarize themselves with the policies and handbooks set forth in the Pennbook, as well as the policies and rules of their schools and academic programs. 

Academic Policies and Requirements

Most academic policies and procedures at Penn are school-based. University policies are also often administered through your specific school. Students should consult with their school or graduate group with questions or for help in understanding academic policies and procedures.  

Code of Academic Integrity requires that every member of the University community adhere to the principles and spirit of the code.

Course Registration can be completed during the summer after your school provides you with information on course registration.

Graduation information and deadlines: The Graduate Degrees Office oversees graduation policies and processes all PhD and Research Master's degrees at the University. Graduation requirements and processes for professional programs is overseen at the individual school and program level. 

Find information about campus conduct policies and reporting violations here. 


Academic Integrity at Penn

Academic Resources and Support

Penn offers a wide variety of resources, offices, and programs for graduate students to support them in all aspects of their Penn experience. The following list highlights some of the most commonly used resources and areas of interest relating to academics and educational opportunities.  

Graduate Center Programs and Resources 

University Resources and Guidelines 

Campus Centers and Initiatives 

  • Career Services provides support and resources to assist PhD and master's degree students with career exploration and planning at any time during their academic programs. 

  • Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning, and Innovation is available to graduate students interested in improving as teachers, whether they are working as TAs or preparing to become future faculty.

  • Center for Undergraduate Research & Fellowships serves as the information hub and primary support office for Penn students considering applying for major grants and fellowships such as the Fulbright and Soros.

  • Communication Within the Curriculum supports student speaking as means of both communicating and learning.

  • English Language Programs provides courses in English as a second/foreign language (ESL/EFL) and orientation to life in the United States.

  • Exchange Scholar Program

  • Global Activities Registry is Penn’s central resource for collecting information about the travel plans and activities of faculty, staff, and students preparing to travel abroad for academic, educational, extracurricular, clinical, research, or University business purposes.

  • International Student & Scholar Services advises international students on F-1 and J-1 nonimmigrant procedures and compliance with immigration laws and regulations.

  • Office of the Vice Provost for Research provides services to researchers and coordinates a number of research related offices.

  • Penn Libraries comprise over seven million volumes, one million of which are in electronic form, over 33,000 videos, four million microforms, more than 100,000 e-journals, and over 1,300 online databases and indexes accessed from the online catalog. They provide a wide range of support for graduate and professional students.

  • University Life enhances students' ability to reach their fullest potential through diverse academic, personal, and professional development experiences in support of the Penn compact.

  • The Weingarten Center provides a wide range of academic support programming and professional consultation services in university-relevant skills such as reading, writing, study strategies, and time management.

  • The Weingarten Center's Disabilities Services staff work closely with students who self-identify with disabilities in order to ensure equal academic opportunities and access to all University programs, activities and services.

  • Weigle Information Commons (WIC) supports students at the individual and course level. Students can receive assistance with writing, speaking, and study skills at WIC, in addition to learning software and hardware through workshops and online tutorials. High-tech study spaces, equipment, and specialized printers are available as well.

Student Accounts and Technology

Get information and resources related to your Penn student accounts and academic technology. 

Setting up your accounts 

Computers and Software 

IT Support and Resources 

Student IT Support by School 

Help and Support

Need Assistance?

The Graduate Student Center is here to help you navigate the many resources at the University. Any graduate or professional student experiencing an issue or unsure where to turn can contact us for guidance or request an appointment to meet with us. 

The University's HELP Line 215-898-HELP (4357) is a 24-hour-a-day phone number for members of the Penn community who are seeking time sensitive help in navigating Penn’s resources for health and wellness.