Safety and Campus Conduct

Campus Safety and Security

Penn Walking Escort offers uniformed, unarmed security officers from the Division of Public Safety and University City District that are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to walk with students in defined areas. Call 215-898-WALK (9255) or dial 511 from a Campus Phone

Penn Transit provides door-to-door On-Request Evening Shuttles for members of the Penn community. Call 215-898-RIDE (7433) or use the PennRides on Request app

Division of Public Safety (DPS) delivers a comprehensive and integrated safety and security program in partnership with the Penn and University City community they serve.

  • The 24/7 emergency phone number is 511 from any on-campus phone and 215-573-3333 from a non-campus phone. It can be used in the event of any emergency, to request Escort Service, or for any need requiring immediate assistance. Please see additional contacts below for non-emergency and community safety concerns. 

  • Penn Guardian allows students to build personal profiles so that if they call Public Safety from a registered cell phone, information about them can be immediately accessed.

  • UPennAlert Emergency Notification System is an opt-in service that enables the University to quickly notify the Penn community of critical information during a major emergency.

  • Self-Defense and Empowerment Classes teach awareness, prevention, risk reduction and avoidance, and the basics of hands-on defense training.

  • Blue Light Phones are distributed on campus and in the surrounding community. If you observe a potential safety hazard or require assistance, contact Public Safety from one of these phones.

Securing Your Property 

  • Amazon@Penn provides secure convenient package pick up and free returns drop off right on campus.

  • Property Registration
    Penn students, faculty and staff can register their bicycles, electronic equipment and other valuables online with the Penn Police Department. By registering your property, you will increase the chances of recovery should your property ever be lost or stolen. You will also receive a registration sticker which will help to serve as a visual deterrent.

    • Penn students may register property by logging on to Campus Express Online and selecting “My Property Registration.”

    • Penn faculty and staff may register property by logging on to U@Penn and selecting "Property Registration" under heading “Policies and Procedures” and subheading “Safety & Preparedness.”

Additional Safety Strategies and Advice 

Community Safety & Assistance Contacts

    Additional resources and services are available to students living in Philadelphia. We encourage students to seek appropriate resources and services in the neighborhoods where they live. We encourage students to contact community organizations and non-emergency numbers in seeking assistance with common health and safety issues experienced by those who live in cities. 

    • ReadyPhiladelphia is an opt-in program that enables Philadelphia residents to receive emergency alerts from the City of Philadelphia

    • University City District (UCD) provides a number of Safety Services to residents, including:

      •  Walking Escorts are available from 10am to 3am. Call 215-387-3942

      • Vehicle Assistance for drivers locked out of their car, in need of a jumpstart, or other emergency assistance. Available 10am-3am daily. Call 215-387-3942

    • Philly311 is Philadelphia’s system for dealing with a variety of urban problems that are not emergencies. These may include:

      • Street issues like abandoned cars, fallen trees, potholes or traffic signal problems; 
      • Building issues like fire and safety violations, vacant buildings, structures in danger of collapse, or people doing construction without a permit; and
      • Trash issues like graffiti, illegal dumping, missed trash/recycling collection, or messy vacant lots.

        You can submit a 311 request by using the online form, calling 3-1-1, emailing, or tweeting @philly311. You can also download the Philly311 app.
    • Philadelphia Behavioral Health Crisis Intervention Service Mobile Emergency Team is available to respond to and assist individuals experiencing acute mental health crises. If you are concerned about someone displaying signs of mental or emotional distress, call  (215) 685-6440

    • Project HOME provides immediate and ongoing support and services to assist those without housing. If you see a homeless person in need of assistance, out in dangerous weather, or if you know someone in your community who is homeless, contact the 24-hour Project HOME Homeless Outreach Hotline at 215-232-1984 or or 1-877-222-1984.

    • Philadelphia Victims Services Organizations provide services to victims of violent crime, including courtroom advocacy, financial assistance, counseling, and providing referrals for support.  

    • Additional Mental Health Crisis Resources to assist someone experiencing a mental health crisis in Philadelphia include: 

      • Crisis 24/7 Text Line: Text "START" to 741-741

      • Suicide Crisis & Intervention 24/7 line: 215-686-4420

      • Community Behavioral Health Non-Emergency 24/7 Line: 888-545-2600

      • Intellectual Disability Services: 215-685-5900

    Campus Conduct and Community Values

    Penn is committed to maintaining a respectful, healthy, and caring community. 

    The Pennbook is a collection of policies that relate to student life at the University of Pennsylvania. These policies govern academic activities such as grading and exams, provide guidance on the use of campus resources, and explain expectations for membership in the university community.

    The two most important policies in the Pennbook are the Code of Student Conduct and the Code of Academic Integrity. These two policies outline the general responsibilities of being a student at Penn. All students are expected to have read and understood both policies before coming to campus.

    Students should also be familiar with the policies and rules of their schools and academic programs, which can be found on the Office of the Provost website, but students should contact their schools or academic programs for more information.

    If you live on campus, consult the Residential Handbook and your occupancy agreement for the policies, rules, and regulations that govern living in Penn’s residential community.

    Visit the Wellness at Penn Wellbeing Initiatives website for University policies related to alcohol and substance use.

    Healthy Relationships & Violence Prevention

    Penn Violence Prevention (PVP) aims to prevent sexual violence, relationship violence, and stalking on campus, by ensuring students have access to resources, and by providing preventative education focused on building healthy relationships, understanding consent, and being an active bystander. Watch the Healthy Relationships and Sexual Violence Prevention video below to learn more. 

    PVP offers a number of educational programs focused on relationship violence, sexual violence, stalking, and sexual harassment. You can also request a customized presentation, training, or workshop for your group. Workshops usually ranging from 1-2 hours can be presented to groups both large and small and can cover a range of topics related to relationship violence, sexual violence, stalking, and sexual harassment. 

    Want quick access to information about sexual assault policies, resources, and programs? Download the Reach Out app by searching for "Reach Out Editions" in the app store and select "University of Pennsylvania" as your school to have quick access to resources, policies, and prevention education. 

    Reporting Concerns and Incidents

    Penn is committed to supporting students who experience unfair treatment, bias, harassment, or any form of violence, and to addressing these incidents.

    Policies & Procedures

    Any student at the University who feels that he or she has been discriminated against by an individual or office acting for the University or that the University is not complying with the requirements of Title VI, Title IX, or the Rehabilitation Act, has a right to register a complaint and seek redress of his or her grievance, following our Student Grievance Procedures. Academic, administrative, and employment grievances are also covered.

    The University has a number of other applicable policies and procedures including a Policy Against Retaliation, Alcohol & Drug Policy, and Sexual Misconduct Policy. For a full list of University policies and regulations, visit

    The Restorative Practices @ Penn program helps Penn students who are involved in a personal dispute (for example, a relationship, house mate, or group conflict) resolve the conflict by using a variety of conflict resolution tools, including mediation.


    Students wishing to report an issue or complaint related to sexual misconduct -- which includes sexual harassment, sexual violence, relationship violence, and stalking – can contact the Associate Vice President for Equity and Title IX Officer via phone, email, or by scheduling an appointment. Anonymous reports of violations of the University’s Sexual Misconduct Policy can be made through the University’s 215-P-COMPLY line by dialing 215-P-COMPLY (215-726-6759) or by submitting a report via the 215-P-COMPLY web portal. See the Sexual Misconduct Policy, Resource Offices and Complaint Procedures for more information. Penn Violence Prevention provides support and information about options for reporting sexual misconduct.

    Students wishing to lodge an official complaint of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation related to a protected class status can pursue either formal mediation or a formal complaint of discrimination and/or retaliation through the Office of Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Programs. OAA-EOP maintains resources and a reporting form for those wishing to pursue a Complaint of Discrimination, Harassment and/or Retaliation.

    Individuals also may report having been treated in a biased or discriminatory manner by completing a Bias Incident Reporting Form. This form may be used to report incidents of bias involving Penn students, faculty, or staff. You are not required to provide your name or contact information. Confidentiality will be maintained to the extent possible.

    215-P-COMPLY is Penn's confidential reporting and help line. As a member of the Penn community, you are encouraged to raise questions and concerns, particularly if you suspect violations of policies or legal requirements.

    To report a student engaged in misconduct or violations of University policies and codes of conduct, contact the Center for Community Standards and Accountability (CSA), which is responsible for matters of student discipline.

    Students wishing to provide general information and impressions about their graduate school experiences in a given Graduate Group can do so using the Graduate Group Review Student Feedback Form. Submissions will be shared with the Graduate Council of the Faculties and Office of the Provost Education Division. 


    Penn provides several Confidential Campus Resources that can help you sort through your options and decide whether and how to make a formal report. These include:


    Additional Support and Guidance

    Any graduate or professional student experiencing an issue or unsure where to turn can contact us for guidance. Dr. Meredith Wooten, the Grad Center's director, is also available to meet with students individually by appointment.