There are a number of campus centers at Penn that provide safe and inclusive space and community for students.
The Graduate Student Center is a central hub for programming, resources, support, and advocacy for all graduate & professional students at Penn. The Center offers free coffee and tea, rooms for reservation, and holds hundreds of events each year designed to help students gain the skills, experiences, and community they need for a truly successful graduate experience.
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The African American Resource Center serves to enhance the quality of life for students, staff, and faculty at Penn, with a particular focus on those of African descent.
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The Family Resource Center is a hub for information, resources, activities, and advocacy for students with children. The Family Center's resources web page includes information on local daycare options.
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The Greenfield Intercultural Center fosters intercultural understanding on campus through cross cultural activism, reflection, and dialogue.
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La Casa Latina promotes greater awareness of Latino issues, culture, and identity at Penn. La Casa Latina works closely with the Penn community to offer a supportive environment where all students are welcomed and engaged in programs, events, and dialogues that address important issues affecting Latinos/Hispanics locally, nationally, and internationally.
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The LGBT Center aims to enrich the experiences, foster the success, celebrate victories, and affirm the existence of Penn’s LGBTQ+ undergraduates, professional and graduate students, staff, faculty, and alum using the lenses of social justice and intersectionality. Through education, support, and advocacy, the Center cultivates a campus climate where all students, regardless of their gender or sexual identity, can live authentically.
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Makuu, the Black Cultural Center, seeks to enrich and support the principles of diversity and community in Penn student life, with an emphasis on students of African descent. Makuu utilizes the seven principles of Kwanzaa to provide support and guidance to individuals and student groups and aims to identify student evidenced challenges, enhance collaborative efforts among students, and become a repository of Penn resources that will increase students’ academic, intellectual social, cultural and professional success.
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The Pan-Asian American Community House (PAACH) provides co-curricular events focusing on Asian American research, culture, history, politics and social issues, and develops and implements innovative programs for leadership development in close collaboration with student and community groups, faculty and staff.
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The Penn Women's Center seeks to foster community, expand awareness, and enhance the educational experience for the women of Penn. PWC supports and advocates for Penn women and presents and sponsors programs on issues important to them, including career, health and wellness, safety, economic, political, and global matters.
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The Spiritual & Religious Life Center (SPARC) provides a home on campus for religious and spiritual students and groups. SPARC provides space for regular prayer (including daily Muslim prayer space), scripture study, and meditation sessions for individuals and groups.
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