Taylor Smith

Headshot of Taylor Smith
Graduate Assistant

Taylor (she/her/hers) is a doctoral student at the Annenberg School for Communication here at Penn. Before coming to Penn, she attended Washington University in St. Louis, where she majored in African & African-American Studies. Her current work explores Black women’s unique contributions to Black textual and visual literacies with specific attention to aesthetic, memory, and archival construction. Additionally, she investigates how long-standing Black communal practices of memory-making and information diffusion adapt to the possibilities of new digital media. Her research endeavors have been supported by the Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship and the Center for Digital Culture and Society (CDCS) here at Penn. Outside academics, she loves making new playlists, reading romance and mystery novels, and learning old Beyoncé choreography. She’s excited to join the Graduate Student Center as a Graduate Assistant!

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